Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 1 Squat/Deadlift

So today was day 1 on LRB/365.  Not too bad of a day.  Here are the numbers:


45 x 15
150 x 5
175 x 4
200 x 3
225 x 2
230 x 1
245 x 1
260 x 1
195 x 2 x 5 Pause Squats

First time doing pause squats but these were light.  Need to keep my body tight in the hole and explode out.  Took minimal rest between sets.


150 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 3
260 x 2
300 x 1
315 x 1
330 x 1
260 x 3 x 3

These were light.  Only doing one rep at 315 and 330 felt like cake work, how it is suppose to.

Standing One Leg Curl

25 x 2 x 20
30 x 2 x 20

Will do all four sets at 30 next week.

Good start to the new program.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goals for the Strong-15 Cycle

I am starting LRB/365 on 12/31/2012.  After a year of running a modified SS program and 10 cycles of 5/3/1 I am moving on. Over the last two months I have been reading Paul Carter’s Lift Run Bang Blog, HERE, and a lot of what he was writing resonated with me. Although I love 5/3/1 and the ability to change up templates to keep things fresh, I let my program ADD kick in and I am switching up programs.  The different cycles he has laid out falls in line with goals I would like to accomplish this year, so I figured this was a great fit.

Starting Stats:

Weight (12/30/2012): 230 lbs.
Bodyfat (12/30/2012): 13.5*

I recently just received some calipers and started taking measurements per the instructions provided and some youtube help.   I about flipped when I saw these results.  I feel it is very generous, but I have checked and re-checked about 5 times, so I am just going to track it and see where it goes.

The goal for the weight would be to maintain.  I would like to end the first cycle between 225 and 230.  This will set me up perfectly for the fat loss and cardio cycle that follows.

The Weights
(Goal Weights)

Squat: 350. 
I have hit this a couple months ago for a triple, but I feel my squat has since diminished. I recently hit 335 for a triple, so I am going to see where this weight takes me.

Deadlift: 440.
I think I can easily attain this weight. I have messed around with the numbers and really wanted to put 450 as the goal, but Paul recommends to program light. 

Bench: 305.
I struggled with this a lot, I recently just hit 295 for a very solid single, and so much wanted to put down 315. I had to swallow my pride and I am programming 10 lbs. lighter, I have to realize it is just a number. I feel I can make a lot of progress still with the back off set being for AMRAP.

I will be logging my progress on this blog for the year, and hopefully by the end I will be bigger, leaner and stronger.  I will try and include videos of my lifts and some breakdowns of my nutrition (if I get that motivated).

See you in the gym tomorrow.